Saturday, May 25, 2013


Meta-data is information that can be attached to our photographs. It could be something as simple as the date the picture was taken to our name or contact information. This will be very useful for us since we are making our photographs for the internet. By embedding our information in the photographs we can prove ownership of them. Learning about this technique was very interesting to me! I semi knew that this was possible but I had no idea how much information we could attach to them. Out off all the information we can attach I think being able to embed my name in the photograph will be the most important for me. Even if my pictures just look like any photograph to a viewer, I take pride in every photograph I take and edit.

Baby (58412)
In order to capture this picture I had to use action shot on my camera. I then had to go through the entire series of photographs to find the one I felt portrayed her the best. She was a sweet but hyper dog so action shot was almost necessary. Right as we would get her to sit down she would stand up or move before my camera could snap. This image catches her tail in mid wag but at almost a perfect position and also in mid panting which makes her look like she is smiling. I can't wait to master the other functions that my camera can do!

1 comment:

  1. Try adding metadata for the next set of images. It will make searches SOOO much more time efficient in the future.
