Thursday, June 13, 2013

Collaboration Plan

Although I am not an art or photography major, I do have an idea and passion that can incorporate this class into. I would use photography and the web to advertise for a fitness program. This program would have participants either walking or running the dogs at the animal center. All of these dogs need exercise and some sunlight and the participants need a fun way to exercise. By combining the two together both will have great benefits. The dogs will be able to get exercise they need and get rid of excess energy they have from being in the shelter. Some people need external motivators to be active and work out. Most people love dogs and want to interact with them. This is a great way to motivation people to be active without them focusing on how hard they are working.

The first step to get a program like this started would be to coordinate with the animal shelter and get permission. I would have to coordinated available hours for a schedule, requirements for the dogs eligible for walking/running, and any liability.

Step two would be to coordinate with the healthcare facility I would be employed by. This would also involve any liability insurance, class location, as well as finding participants for the program. As a fitness instructor it is important to be in control of the class and the environment it is held in. I would have to find a safe path for the participants and the dogs to walk or run on. I would also have to take in to consideration the weather conditions and hydration of all of the participants (human and dogs).

The third step would be to advertise for the fitness group and put the event into action. I would need to advertise at the health care facility, the animal shelter, and online. This will be a very important step and will include skills that I have learned in this course. Not only will photography editing skills come in handy but also my newly attained knowledge of what catches viewers eyes.

An example of a flyer for a program like this would look like the following. Note that the flyer is not a real event and is just a proposed event.


  1. Shelby, I think this is a great idea! There are not nearly enough dog walkers to help get all the dogs the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. I definitely agree that with exercise, we often do need motivation; time with an adorable animal is sure to bring people in.

    I think you have addressed the steps you would need to take nicely. You have included all the things I could think of (water, safe paths, advertising, schedules, etc.). The liability portion is especially important, for both the dogs and humans.

    The only other thing I can think of is to make sure that everyone has some plastic bags in case the dogs need to do their business on the path. Disposing of the waste is important for preventing disease and maintaining a clean environment.

    Great proposal!

  2. Great thinking! Katie gave you some important detail tips. Perhaps you two could collaborate? This would make a fantastic research project! (You could measure the results in noise levels before/after the exercise...)
